A user question

A user reports that they have inadvertently duplicated some content. There is an FAQ “Suddenly, the map scrolled down and a mess of duplicate items appears.” But I was not able to reproduce this error in the newer versions (Release

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Another By-Product: Folder Tree

It is now possible to drop a folder icon on the Condensr canvas, and get a hierarchical view of all of its subordinate folders and their shortcuts to other folders. By default the items are colored by their last change

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New power-user function

  As an alternative to copying/ cutting/ deleting a cluster of connected items, it is now possible to do this also with items and lines that are selected by a ‘rubberband’rectangle, as it is common in traditional applications. This new function, in particular,

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By-Product: genealogical viewer

As a by-product, our Condensr now offers its optimized display also for family tree data. If your genealogical application allows export into the standard format of Gedcom 6.0 XML, you can import the entire set into our proven split pane view. No need to leave

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New release

The newest release has a little change that is incompatible with the previous behavior. A rarely used function is now disabled by default and can be enabled via the Advanced menu: “Cluster Drag&Drop“. Then you can copy an entire cluster of

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Toolblog mentions our zettelkasten export

In today’s Toolblog, the Luhmann-inspired method of zettelkasten is discussed. To understand it, read https://x28newblog.wordpress.com/2016/12/01/magic-of-zettelkasten/ Update 2017-09-07: continued here http://toolblog.de/2017/09/04/in-eigener-sache-wer-kennt-sich-mit-luhmanns-zettelkasten-aus/

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New site launched

From now on, you can read all about our Thought Condensr Tool  on this new web site. We don’t want your email address for any newsletter, and you can simply subscribe to the RSS feed, instead. But if you drop

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