Christmas release

A new release is now available in the .msi (Windows) and .dmg (Mac) formats. It includes the additions from the recent .jar-only updates: New wiki navigation, new Tagged import and new Tinderbox import.   See a few sample screenshots below.  

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User’s Manual updated

A new version of the User’s Manual is available for reading online or downloading as PDF. Updates describe the changes since the May 2018 version which include several new importers (folder tree, Luhmann, FedWiki,, Tagged List, Roget, newer

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New importer for tagged items

You can now import a list of tab-separated items and tags, via Insert > Launch the Import Wizard > Tagged list. If you want such a list assembled from words and tags of Roget’s thesaurus, this can directly be prepared

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New importer

The new LuhmannImport handles just one single resource (the famous Zettelkasten), but with its wealth of cross references, this is a good example to show and exercise three different formats. See more in my non-technical blog,

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Minor update: more layout functions

In addition to “Make Tree” and “DAG layout”, there is now a function called “Make Circle”. It takes a complex graph and sets aside the simpler patterns such as trees and chains, and arranges the remaining core nodes into a

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New import format: annotations

For my participation in this annotation event, I added a new import format to my tool: a JSON file that we can download from Jon Udell’s site, filling in the url ( and max,

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Christmas release

The new release includes two improvements, both of which should help to better understand complicated argumentation. Support for close reading. Import each sentence of a text as a separate item. This may be particularly useful when used together with the “Bold

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