I recorded a little video of how Condensr can be used for a very a interactive learning experience.
What you see:
- Downloaded a text
- Split the sentences: Find & replace
(period plus space) by^p
(line break); - Open the Condensr demo (https://condensr.mmelcher.org/);
- Select all, drag it onto the Condensr via its task bar button (the Zoom screen sharing doesn’t show that well, try it out yourself);
- Student’s activity starts: highlighting, rearranging and connecting.
- In the Detail pane, doubleclick a word, and press B+ (‘Bold special’) to put that word on the selected icon;
- Copy a selected word via the ‘more’ button to clip-board,
- create a new item by rightclicking the canvas,
- and paste the word into the label field.
- Color the new icon red by rightclicking it;
- Move icons around, in particular to keep differences apart;
- Connect an icon to another one by drag + alt or drag + middle mouse button;
- color it by rightclicking.