Visualize an OWL ontology file

Condensr can now import a simple OWL ontology file. This video on YouTube shows how it looks like on our map and in the special Ontology editor Protege.

Detailed description of the technical procedure shown in the video. For the subject matter of the tools-for-thought ontology, see this blogpost:

  • (The procedure assumes a working installation of Protege and Java JRE).

View the map and plan additions

  • Open the map
  • Plan additions, another affordance “class” and another relationship (“ObjectProperty”) to a thought class.
  • Right-click near the “Capturing” affordance > New item; Label “offloading”; Mousewheel-drag from the new icon to the icon (of the superclass) “Capturing”;
  • Right-click near the orange (ObjectProperty) icons > New item; Label “lessens fluid context for”; Mousewheel-drag from the new icon to the icon of the thought type “pondering the connection”;
  • Mousewheel-drag from the “offloading” (class) icon to the “lessen …” (ObjectProperty) icon;
  • Moving the two new icons to the top, as plan for the OWL editing
  • Right-click the new ObjectProperty icon > change color to orange;

Edit in Protege

  • Launching the Protege editor
  • File > Open…
  • Open the GitHub repository > click toolsforthought.owl > click the download icon; Note: You might also use Git commands like “clone” to get the repository and later contribute back your changes;
  • Drag and drop the downloaded owl file to the desktop
  • Return to Protege Open > browse to this file and select it > Open
  • Click the “Entities” tab and navigate the classes using the expand (+) control:
  • owl:Thing > 2_affordance > 1_capturing
  • select “capturing” and click the “Add subclass” icon in the upper left of the “Class hierarchy”
  • in the popup window, type the name “5_offloading” (with sorting number and underscores) >OK
  • Click the Object Properties tab; expand and select the top and click the “Add sub property” icon in the upper left of the “Object property hierarchy”;
  • in the popup window, type as name “14_lessens_fluid_context_for” > OK;
  • in the lower right pane called “Description”, find “Domains (intersection)” and click its circled plus sign “Add”;
  • in the popup window, click the “Class hierarchy” tab and navigate via “owl:Thing” > “2_affordance” > “1_capturing” to the newly added “5_offloading” > OK;
  • back in the “Description” pane, find “Ranges (intersection)” and click the plus sign “Add”;
  • in the popup window in the “Class hierarchy” tab, navigate via “owl:Thing” > “3_thought” to “2_pondering_the_connection” > OK;
  • finish editing by File > Save as… > “RDF/XML Syntax” > OK > select the filename > OK; Note: you might also save the .owl file to a Git location and contribute it back or to a more professional repository via a Pull request;
  • minimize the Protege editor window;

Import into Condensr

  • Download the Condensr app from Github, currently from > condensr.ja
  • double-click the downloaded .jar file and confirm the security warning (if in doubt, ask a friend);
  • once the “Main window” opens, drag and drop the file icon of the ,owl file onto the canvas (the larger, left-hand pane);
  • at the “Option” prompt, click the “Yes, simple” response;
  • resize the window and start to rearrange the map: span the selection rubber-band rectangle by Mousewheel-drag from a point on the background to the opposite corner of the desired areathen move it by dragging a point within the rectangle, and finally dismiss the rectangle by clicking within (which sometimes takes multiple attempts);
  • do this for the “tool” tree at the top, moving it to the left, then for the “thought” tree near the bottom, moving it to the upper right, and then for the orange ObjectProperty icons at the very bottom, moving them up from where they con be individually placed such that they are ideally visible and least obstructing.
  • Finally, find the “About” and move it to the top.

Note that, as usual, this feature is currently only available in the .jar distribution format, not in .msi or .dmg formats.